I got a call from one of the moms of the girls in McKenna's preschool class, Addison. Her class has been out for a month now but apparently Addison misses McKenna and talks about her all the time. Her Mom said Addison sings about McKenna and says she's gonna plan a birthday party for McKenna in her backyard. How cute is that? So her Mom called to see if we wanted to get together for a playdate. She lives right up the street from us so that's neat that McKenna has another friend close by! And I met her Mom at Alexis' birthday party so I already know I like her. It should be fun!
Erick and McKenna had their Father-Daughter dance tonight. On his way home from work he picked up a tiny little corsage for her - white orchids with a baby blue ribbon. She was so excited! She just loved it!
Here is a pic of Daddy putting the corsage on her:

Don't they look cute in their matching outfits?

They had sandwiches, chips, apples, cookies, candies and soda. LOL they get the kids nice and hopped up on sugar and send 'em home I guess! Erick and McKenna danced to "Can't Help Falling in Love" by Elvis. Awww! McKenna was too shy to participate in the Hokey Pokey. But she's the kind of kid who has to observe her surroundings before she can participate so I bet the next dance she'll be the first one out there. ; ) Here is the pic that they took at the dance:

That's it for tonight. I think I'll try to scrap these father-daughter pictures. Tomorrow is a busy, busy day for us. In the morning I have to run to the dance hall to pick up McKenna's recital pictures. Then off to Target and Best Buy for some Father's Day shopping. Then out to Lake Elsinore to see the puppy. Then back to Orange County to have a Father's Day dinner for my Dad at Spaghetti Factory. It's gonna be a go-go-go kind of day!
Seriously, Father/Daughter dances are just about the cutest thing on the whole planet. LOVE it. :)
Good luck on the puppy search!
Yes, black labs are active...but so so sweet! You'll love him or her! Congratulations!
Oh Shannon how do you find the time, what a wonderful entry, I really truly enjoyed every bit. Congrats on the new puppy, I hope McKenna loves it. Have a great day.
awww they looked so cute for their father daughter dance!!
How awesome that you're getting a dog! Maddy just loves Gunter (he's super hyper too!) Dogs are the best and black labs are so cute!
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