McKenna decided to accessorize her's with this crazy lime green belt. Clearly Kyla is appalled:

When it was time to get them dressed I asked "Who is ready to put on their big sister shirts?" Kyla yelled "MEEEE!!!" and came running up to me! And she was the first to come over to pose. I think she's so proud to get to be a big sister!

So yesterday I was having a totally hormonal day. I was exhausted and the girls did NOT want to cooperate. I put them down for naps at 1pm and tried to lay down myself. I kept drifting off but every 10 minutes from 1pm-3pm one or the other would wake me up. Kyla just wasn't sleeping at all so she kept talking over the baby monitor. McKenna gets up every 10 minutes claiming she has to go potty. Erick called at 3pm or so and said there was a fight in his unit (apparently pork chops were the weapon of choice this time) and he would probably be late. I was clearly upset at that point and he promised he'd be home on time.
So he came home and took care of me. I hadn't really been out of the house much this week except for a quick trip to Target to buy supplies for the teacher gifts so we went to the mall. We had dinner. I chose Sbarro and it wasn't too good. Kyla had a poo explosion ALL over the place. I had to take her to the bathroom to clean her up and walked out with her in only a diaper. How embarrassing! So I wrapped her in the Mei Tai so at least we just looked like hippies instead of like we were too poor to buy our kid clothes. LOL! We did stop at The Disney Store and buy her a cute little sundress though. And McKenna picked out a new nightgown (a silk coral-colored Ariel nightgown with matching bedroom slippers). BTW, coral is totally McKenna's color. It draws out the blonde highlights that are starting to appear in her little curls. her more coral clothes! Oh, and the girls each picked out a mini stuffed animal - Daisy Duck for McKenna, Dumbo for Kyla, Eeyore for Sprout.
Erick treated me to a Yankee Candle stop. I bought just about every summery scent they had that wasn't too flowery. Most of them I've bought before but here are the scents that are new to me: Sun & Sand (you can actually smell a little sunscreen scent in there), Canary Island Banana (not sure if I'll like this one ... it's a little strong), Mango Blossom (just lit this one and it's so yummy!), Apricot (I'm a sucker for anything peach or apricot), Island Spa, Vera Cruz Vanilla, New Zealand Wild Berry. I also could not resist this adorable tart burner. Isn't this the cutest thing you ever saw?

While we were there, I discovered a cute new store (new to me at least) called Pumpkin Patch. They have adorable kids clothes but also some maternity wear! They're an Aussie-based company so their site has all the fall lines out but the California store has the cuuuuuutest summer clothes for kids!! I didn't spend though. I only discovered it because Erick took the girls down the escalator to the play area and I was walking to the elevator to get the stroller downstairs. So I didn't think I should take 40 minutes to shop if they were waiting for me. ; ) But it's definitely a place I wanna go back to!
I'm *this close* to finishing The Glass Castle. I'll talk more about that when I'm officially finished with it. I always like to journal a little review of the books I've read.
My sister also convinced me to pick up this book by Jenny McCarthy:

She writes in very, very abbreviated chapters but it's her take on what's really going on with your body during pregnancy. She's pretty crass but I'm about 4 chapters in and have had some laugh-out-loud moments. I don't recommend it to the easily-offended. But Elaine, if you decide to get pregnant again, this book is totally for you! LOL! You'd appreciate her candor and humor.
The best part is that because the chapters are so short (like a page and a half each) I keep the book in the bathroom. So when I'm taking one of my fifty pee breaks for the day, I can get a quick chapter in (and a break from the two little girls who keep fighting over who gets the yellow sippy cup.)
A couple of cute KID-BITS:
McKenna loves to exercise. She has this dvd and she spreads out a blanket (her "yoga mat") and does all the exercises along with the video. It's really cute! Kyla follows along too. The only thing that creeps me out is at the end, they do relaxation pose and the kids say "peaaaaace" over and over again. It's really creepy. Sort of "Village of the Damned".

Yesterday she told me "Mom, come with me to my room. I have to tell you an ancient secret." LOL! Ancient?? So she took my hand and pulled me to her room and sat on her bed and then whispered in my ear "A carriage is going to come and take us to Disneyland and there will be lots of magic. Ok? Tell Dad. I have to go potty." Then she ran to the bathroom.
She also told me rather matter-of-factly "Mom, be sure to eat lots of potato salad. It's got a lot of vitamins and it's really good for you."
Kyla loves beans. Particularly, kidney beans. She can eat half a can in one sitting, easily.
When we were at the mall yesterday, she was being SO sweet to this little baby boy. He was probably about 9 or 10 months old and was crawling all around the play area. She would get on her hands and knees to talk to him. He's at the stage where he's grabbing for faces and clothes but Kyla was really patient with him when he'd try to grab her. She would also try to show him new toys and get him to follow her around. She's gonna be a really good big sister I bet!
There was also a bigger kid, a little boy maybe 5 years old? He kept trying to push Kyla out of one of the toy cars. He wasn't full-on shoving her but he was staring her down and kind of edging her out. Kyla didn't back down though. And she didn't hit him either. She put her hand up to his chest and told him firmly "No!" We were pretty proud of her for standing up for herself but not being violent!
Whenever she hears someone start their car outside our window she yells out "Buh-Bye!" and blows kisses toward the window.
Here's the yearbook that McKenna's teachers made for her this year. It's so cute. They even put our Mother's Day Tea photo in there. : )
A layout I did for The Digi-Dares. We were to scrap past vacation photos. I had these pics from Mexico 2002 that Erick and I took so I thought I'd get those scrapped.
Las Rocas

::::::::::::::::::::: to conquer this to-do list:
Make bed - done
Dump trash - done
Wash one load of laundry - done
Fold/put away laundry - done
Sweep/mop bare floors
Catch up on DST emails
Write From-the-Desk article for DST Insider - done
Make dinner (shrimp scampi over rice)
Edit: change of plans. My sister came over with some new outfits for the girls. So we had an impromptu playdate instead. ; )
LOL I LOVE that book (Belly Laughs)! A friend loaned it to me when I was pregnant, and I laughed SO hard. But I swear I learned to relax about my weird pregnancy symptoms thanks to good ol' J.McC. I can't wait to see you guys! I want to squish Kyla's cheeks! :) And let McKenna take me shopping since she OBVIOUSLY has the gift of accessorizing! :)
It is very nice to know that fashion sense does (or doesn't) develop in toddlers. :)
Also, that yearbook was so cute! And I had an LOL moment when I saw the February page and my first reaction was "Wow, that looks really realistic! Those shadows are amazing!"
LOL, I'm a dork. :)
Okay is it sad that I
A. I have that book Belly Laughs
B. Jenny McCarthy autographed it for me! hahahahaha!
So many things to comment on..I love that yearbook they made for McKenna.
Kyla is such a fashion police..the look on her face is like, "oh NO she did NOT."
"Ancient secret" hahahahahaha!
Oh, I LOVE Pumpkin Patch. We've had it for years (naturally) and I don't have one nearby anymore but that was always the first store I used to hit as soon as I found out a friend was PG in Sydney. Adorable stuff!!
wow, lots to read and I don't even know where to start with my comments...
I really can't imagine to be pregnant with 2 little ones around me, I hope most days will be better than the one with no nap for you...
And your girls look too cute in their shirts, they seem to be so proud of them
Sounds like she will make a fab big sister. Hugs Crystal xx
Pumpkin Patch is a really great kids clothing place. They do make the most gorgeous things, though, they are pretty expensive since kids grow so fast :-/
Nice to know they've gone international (Since I'm an Aussie) :D
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