Credits: Erick needed a cool flier for his gig. IOD's Wicked Garden papers are AWESOME for what his style of music is. I also used their staple, tack, tape and tag from the Essential Elements pack. I also used a cream paper from their freebie that was in the April Muse. Stain brushes...hmm, I'll have to edit when I remember where I got those. Paper tear by Steph Krush. Paper tear action and inked edge action by Atomic Cupcake. Used a Photoblast action on the little cream strip. Alpha by Jennifer Pebbles. Fonts are AL Scratched and Carpenter.
If you're interested in going, email Erick for tickets.
I wanna go! I wanna go! :) The poster is AWESOME! Absolutely perfect for the music!
Tell Erick we're rooting for him!
wow! that poster is so cool! i gotta know whare you got that alpha!
prolly won't make the concert, but i'm rooting for him too!!
That's an awsome poster...would definately catch my eye and interest! Great job!!!
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