We did do Disneyland on Friday night! We were only there for 2 hours and it seemed really crowded so I'm surprised we hit as many rides as we did. We went on Peter Pan, Small World, Sleeping Beauty's Carousel and Dumbo AND we were able to see the parade. I did get a bunch of parade pics but I won't bore you with those. Unless you happen to be a 3-year old girl or have a 3-year old girl on your lap? Ok, I'll throw one in for atmosphere:

Here is what we believe to be Kyla's first ride on Dumbo. We could be wrong but we're pretty sure it's her first time:

I have to tell you this side story. When we were waiting in line for Dumbo, we were watching the people ahead of us get their turn. They'd just let the next group in and everyone was rushing for their elephant. These two teenage girls grabbed the pink elephant and this little girl (whom they did not know) that was about 6 or 7 years old went running up to them SCREECHING at the top of her lungs "NO! I'M RIDING THE PINK ONE! I'M RIDING THE PINK ONE!" It was beyond Veruca Salt demanding. It was down right threatening. Her lip was curled and her eyes were narrowed. Her voice was so shrill. I half expected her to kick these chicks in the shins! And where was this little girl's mother you ask? Standing meekly nearby, saying NOTHING. When the two teenage girls gave up the pink elephant (which I am sure they did out of sheer terror) the mother whispered "thank you". I couldn't believe my eyes.
Anyway, more pictures....
Family hugs (before we left):

Family hugs (after the parade):

McKenna and her friend Alyssa. Alyssa is very protective of McKenna. No joke, you don't wanna cross this girl and mess with her buddy McKenna:

I'd just like to point out the amazing Dill plant in the background. I grew that. I'm awesome.
I knew Saturday was gonna be a weird day. The Cobles were burying Kyle, Emma and Katie that morning at 10am. It's strange to feel so much sadness and grief for a family you've never met. I knew I'd be sort of quiet and pensive that morning and I told myself to be extra loving to my kids. Kyla and Erick slept in but I took McKenna to dance class where she decided to behave in a way I've never seen her behave before. She flat out refused to do her tap dance. She was moody, tantrumy...it was very difficult. Then as I was paying for her recital tickets, I spilled my coffee all over Valerie's table. Drove home, feeling very upset. Parked, got out, dropped my keys between the seats and as I was frustrated and trying to dig them out I heard the local church bells ringing to signal the 10 o'clock hour. At that moment, the Cobles were beginning the service for their babies.
I couldn't take it anymore. I just started crying. It's all been too much to grasp. All the time I get these glimpes of the shock the Cobles must feel as they're maybe doing something routine like brushing their teeth and then thinking "They're gone." It's just impossible to process. McKenna asked me why I was crying and she seemed so genuinely concerned and compassionate.
I couldn't focus all day. Once the girls were down for naps, I told myself I could lie down and rest as well but once I woke up, that was it. It was time to push past the sadness because it's impossible to function when you're focusing on something this terrible.
I woke up from my nap and realized my bedroom door was closed. I got up and realized that McKenna had gotten up from her nap on her own and closed the door for me so I could keep resting. She had also made this for me and left it on the floor for me to find:

It was like she knew I needed cheering up. I opened the door and found her dressed in her Cindrella dress. She smiled and said "I just woke up and played dress up." : ) She was an angel for the rest of the day (which was a relief from the very difficult attitude she'd been giving me all morning!)
When Erick asked what I wanted for Mother's Day this year, everything seemed trite in light of the Coble's loss. I really didn't want a gift and I don't believe I would have enjoyed a gift either. Instead, Erick and the girls spent Saturday afternoon making me cards which they gave me this morning. It was exactly what I wanted.
Kyla's card. She drew the picture and then they chose a carousel sticker because Kyla likes to ride the carousel with Mommy:

McKenna's card. She practiced her stars and picked out the pink flower all on her own:

Daddy's card. McKenna wrote two of the three "moms". Can you guess which one Erick did? Hint: McKenna's look better! LOL!

Inside of Daddy's card. He drew a picture of our family. I asked him why he put a hot dog sticker on the sun. He said (a la Billy Madison) "I put a hot dog on the sun because I'd never seen a hot dog on a sun." LOL (you'd have to see the movie to get that):

The only thing I asked for all day was to be allowed to get ready for church this morning in peace. I wanted Erick to be in charge of getting the girls their breakfast, getting them dressed, packing the diaper bag, etc. And I got my wish.
Here we are just before church:

Ignore my blindingly white legs. I've been wearing jeans since November.
The sermon was (as usual) wonderful! "How to Hang On in a Hard Place". I don't feel like I'm currently in a hard place but he said some things that really resonated with me nonetheless. I really, immensely love this pastor's teaching.
McKenna made this for me in Sunday School today (it's a flower):

After church we took Erick's Mom to lunch for Mother's Day. Then came home and while the girls napped, I baked. I really, really wanted to cook for my family today. Erick offered to take me out for dinner or to make dinner for me. But I really, truly wanted to cook for them. So we had: Barbecued Shrimp, Grilled Corn-on-the-Cob (I make a really yummy butter sauce with dill, garlic and worcestershire), Italian Butter Noodles, Greek Salad, Pink Lemonade and for dessert we had Black Bottom Cupcakes.
You MUST try these cupcakes. They are heavenly. They are the best cupcakes in the whole world. It's a chocolate cupcake mixed with a cream cheese/chocolate chip batter. And topped with cream cheese frosting and fresh strawberries. I recommend eating this cupcake with a fork and a tall glass of milk!

It was a perfect day. Just very relaxing and all about being together. The highlight of the day for me was when I was in the kitchen baking, I could hear Erick and the girls wrestling and laughing. My heart just felt full and grateful.
I do still have some cute kid's stories. But once again, this is getting long so I'll add those soon. It's kind of late right now but I'm bound and determined to scrap tonight. I deserve it. I haven't scrapped in a week I think! Eek!
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy belated Mother's Day!! I haven't been able to stop thinking about the Cobles either, especially this past weekend. I've been hugging Ella extra tight recently. :)
Hi Shannon! Glad you had a good mother's day! I love reading your blog daily or when you update? This is my first time commenting, don't know why it took me so long though? Your girls are adorable and maybe that draws me in even more cause I have 2 girls myself but a bit younger... I read about the Cobles from your blog and it made my heart hurt for them it's just horrible... Anyways don't wanna take up tooo much space but I will comment more often! Have a great Day!! lizmartinez_1 at yahoo dot com
"Unless you happen to be a 3-year old girl or have a 3-year old girl on your lap?"
Um...excuse me? I guess I'm just a three year old girl at heart!
Glad you had such a beautiful weekend!
hAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Shannon!!! I love all the drawings that the girls made for you! I got a spongebob theme one...(yeah, I'm still waiting for the spongebob phase to pass..)
I can't even imagine what the Cobles must be going through. I told Brad about it and he couldn't even speak...its unimaginable and so sad. But thank you for bringing their story to my attention, I hadn't heard about it here. That type of story really snaps you back to what's important and reminds you that you should be grateful for everyday.
Well, I happened to have a three year old on my lap, so the picture was much appreciated! You are so lucky to be so close to Disneyland. I am trying to convince Kelly that we should take Zoë this year.
Happy Mother's Day! Your day sounds wonderful and your menu is making me hungry! Wow, when I cook for my family it is nothing like that. I better step it up a notch. Of course, I probably have to stop bribing Zoë to eat a bite of vegetables first. ;)
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