When I first got married, I was working full-time and in the teeniest, most-cramped apartment. Housework was so overwhelming for me. I slept all the time. I'd come home from work and after dinner I would fall asleep. We started to worry that something was wrong with me so I went to the doctor for a physical. He tried to diagnose me with depression even though I answered all of his questions about my life with such a postive attitude. How's your marriage "Couldn't be happier." How is your job. "I love my job!" How is your financial situation "We're comfortable." So when he told me I was depressed and prescribed me with medication I thought "How can that be possible? I don't FEEL depressed. Just tired." I never took the medication because I knew that had to be a load of bull. Well now, five years later I know what was wrong with me. A messy house makes me feel tired. A clean house energizes me. Plain and simple. All I can say is thank God I was discerning enough to trust myself and know I wasn't clinically depressed. Can you imagine if I was on an anti-depressants unnecessarily? Ridiculous!
Anyway, what a digression. To summarize - sunshine for the past three days makes me happy. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold again. Bummer. But despite tomorrow's imminent dreariness, I WILL dust. I will. Next time I blog, I promise I will be able to honestly say that my home has been dusted.
Here are some pics from the zoo!
Lukey and "Guncle":

Kyla & Mama:

Luke & Kenna ride the turtle:

Gav & his Mommy:

OMG cutie face!!

Holding hands:

That last photo cracks me up. They love to hold hands. To Lukey, they're just holding hands. To McKenna, they're taking a walk like Cinderella and the handsome prince do when they sing "So This is Love". Note that McKenna is holding her "ball gown" like Cinderella does.
Guess what! Today I was chosen as Digi-Gal of the Day at 2peas! How cool is that! I can't tell you how encouraging it was to have people affirm me as a friend and as a scrapper.
Wanted to direct you to a couple of CT related items:
Gina's "Andy's Things" collections are 30% off this weekend! You can find them in her store at SBB.
Kim Christensen just released a fabulous new line called In the Garden. You can find the entire collection as a whole or as individual kits at her SBB store.
IOD is giving away a gorgeous freebie on their blog. It is absolutely no-strings. But they do want to raise awareness for a little girl named Mai. Mai is a young Thai girl who is in the process of being adopted by a pastor and his wife who are friends with the IOD girls. The pastor and his wife were also expecting a baby of their own. In the same week that the wife miscarried, they received word that Mai had been kidnapped and it was feared that she was sold into slavery. She has since been found but they are trying to raise money for the adoption. You can make a donation if you feel led. But nonetheless, enjoy their fabulous freebie and if you're so inclined, say a prayer for Mai!
Recent LOs
(Click image to enlarge)
Ok, I have quite a few since I didn't post any last time (just my "thank you" LO for Kimmers).

Credits: Everything here is from Kim Christensen's "A Little Something Playful" kit. Inked edge action by Atomic Cupcake. Fonts are CK Cursive and Becks.
Journaling says: Great-Grandma Bieger turned 100 years old! We celebrated on Saturday, April 8, 2006. Pop-Pop threw her a big celebration open-house style and people came from all over to share in the joy of the occasion. Great-Grandma was so funny. She wore a button that said “I made it!” She sure did! She has accomplished so much and it was evident on this day just how loved she is!
There Was a Star Danced

Credits: I always wanted to do a LO like this. If I could've designed the perfect nursery for my babies, I am sure I would've used this Shakespeare quote and done a very luminous nighttime sky theme. Everything is from Carrie Stephen's "Wish" kit with the exception of the star brads (from Carrie's "Soft" kit) and the frame (Nancie Rowe Janitz). Font is Becks.
A Very Special Easter Basket

Credits: I am so glad to finally get this scrapped. I'm rarely motivated to scrap inanimate objects but this one is special. I used Gina Miller's "Garden Treasures" jumbo pack. Papers are "Soft Gardenia" and the fiber corners (recolored) are from the add-on kit that comes with the jumbo pack. Glitter borders also by Gina Miller. Stitched vellum mat and Brush Strokes by Michelle Coleman. Blank alpha Ali Folendore. Alpha font is Curlz. Other fonts: CK Chemistry, CK Cosmopolitan.
Journaling says: When I was a little girl, my Grandpa Webb made one of these Easter baskets for each of his grandchildren. He was a very talented wood craftsman and it was such a special gift to all of us that he made them with his own two hands. This is the one that he made for me. My Grandpa passed away when I was ten years old and I’ve held on to this basket as a cherished memory. For McKenna’s first Easter, my Mom and Step-Dad gave this little bunny a fresh coat of paint and new dressings, complete with a new fuzzy cotton tail. They also copied the pattern and have been making baskets for each of the Grandkids that have been born since. It brings back such sweet memories to see our children on Easter morning, running around as we did, clutching the baskets that my Grandfather made.

Credits: These Pied-a-Terre Blush papers by IOD were so pretty and sweet. Available at Scrapartist as well as the tack. Flowers by Ali Folendore. Alpha tags and ribbon by Michelle Coleman. Stitching unknown. Photo action by Photoblast.
Signature Shoes

Credits: Papers by Ali Folendore. Inked edge action by Atomic Cupcake. Fonts are Blackadder and Century Gothic.
Journaling says: My husband is definitely the shoe horse in our family. I am all about the inexpensive shoe that lasts for one season. I almost never spend more than twenty dollars on a pair. But my husband will easily spend $100 or more on shoes. I cannot wrap my mind around such a thing! I often tease him that he’s worse than any girl I know and warn him that his shoe collection is not only monetarily worth more than mine, but it’s about to pass mine in inventory as well! These shoes are his latest pair. Custom-made athletic shoes with his nickname engraved in the heel. It’s official: my husband is a shoe DIVA
Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

Credits: Everything here is from Kim Christensen's gorgeous new "In the Garden" collection (papers, elements). I used the Sunshine kit (papers, elements). Fonts are AL Scratched and CK Chemistry.

Credits: This new kit (Summer Home) by Holly McCaig and Gina Miller has the most beautiful color scheme. I just loved this! Everything is from the kit. Fonts are CK Chemistry and CK Cursive. The photo is of McKenna and Lukey. They're 6-months apart in age. This photo was taken a year ago! Man, I can't believe how much they've grown!
Journaling says: How much do I love this picture of you two. McKenna with your giant pickle. Lukey always wearing a bib because you were such a little drool monkey. You two have been the best of friends since you were old enough to chase each other. And here you are, all ready for a wagon ride with your best buddy. Life doesn't get much better than this.
Reaching the Goal

Credits: I'd been saving these two pictures because I wasn't sure how I wanted to scrap them exactly. Jenn Woodbury's sketch over at Heather Ann Designs inspired me. I used Kim Christensen's Grape kit from her In the Garden collection (papers, elements). Tear by Steph Krush. Journal stamp by Katie Pertiet. Fonts are Jump Start and 2peas Flea Market.
Journaling says: Here you are - from the start of your potty-training journey to the grand finale. We bought you your first potty-seat when you were a year old, just so you could get comfortable with it. Everyone kept telling us that we'd better get on it or we'd miss our window of opportunity. But we knew we just had to wait and you would show us when you were ready. We talked to you about it all the time and promised you that if you went, you would get a surprise. When you were 21 months old, you pulled your potty out into the living room and sat on it. You asked me one more time, just to be sure if you would get a "supwise". I told you YES. As soon as you heard that, you let it flow. You were rewarded with a trip to the candy store where we stocked up on Jelly Bellies - these were to be your reward everytime you went potty. We continued to let you take the lead, knowing you had some major changes coming in your life that could set you back. But by the time you were2 1/2, you were fully potty-trained. Every day that you were accident-free, we gave you a lollipop and pennies in your wishing jar. And when the jar was all filled up, you were treated to a day at Disneyland with Mommy, complete with this beautiful princess hat. Everyone was so proud of you! You really are growing up!
Ok last two things:
Kyla's 7 month pics are up!
And finally, did you notice in that pic of Ky and I at the zoo that my hair has lightened a lot? When I dyed it brown, I did the demi-gloss which means it washes out after 8 weeks. So it's faded a whole lot! What's your opinion? Dye it back to the darker brown or go back to blonde?
Awww, I love catching up on you guys! I miss you! And I TOTALLY get tired when I have to clean. I've been that way since I was a kid. I'd fall asleep instead of cleaning my room. It's sorta overwhelming, ya know? LOVE all of your LO's. I cried a little when I read the Easter Basket one. I have mine out right now, and every year it's the hardest thing to put away. I wonder if Grandpa knew while he was making those how much they would mean to us all. I hope he did.
And I have to vote for blonde. The brown is GORGEOUS on you, but I have to say blonde because who would we be if we didn't have the same hair color? ;)
How does one clean the whole house and NOT dust??? LOL I am genuinely curious. I dust everyday... I don't know how to get around it!
Ok I guess you can ignore that since I read on and see that you ARE planning on dusting. LOL I thought you were skipping it all together and pictured inches of dust layered on your shelves and stuff. Eeek! haha
Did Mel recently cut her hair? I'm not sure if I remember it being that short....
Wow that is some line-up of pages! Have you slept as of late? LOL
I will go look at Kyla's pictures in a bit...
Hmmm your hair. (scrolling back up to look....) Oh I don't know! I mean, I like the veryyyyyy light brown it is here because it's almost Summer but I really did like the dark when you first did it. What does Erick think? Did the dark brown ever really grow on him? It was a great look!
ROFL at the shoe layout. Hilarious! We have the same issue at my house. I am happy with cheapy shoes and DH must buy $100 ones. He has a nice collection of Johnston & Murphey's. LOL!
Hair...do what you like! But, you could go back blonde for the summer and then darken it again in the fall. ??
I hear ya on how a clean house can energize you! I'm glad you were smart enough not to take the antidepressants!
Aww...such cute pictures! We're planning a trip to the SA Zoo next week! I'll call you and see if you want to meet us there!
We need another playdate soon either way!
I like your blonde hair. I love/d the dark brown-it really looked great on you, but I think I prefer blonde because that's how I met you, kwim? Could you do a lighter shade of brown for the summer?
What cute pictures! Don't worry, I absolutely hate dusting too! Leave it to Gina to be the overachiever and dust every day!
I like this lighter brown color you have going on here. I think this or blonde would be great for summer. Then in the fall you can go back to that awesome darker brown!
Hey Shannon!! Pardon me while I live vicariously through you're glorious past couple of days. We're having such dreary, icky weather here, it's so depressing. Really. I agree a clean house just makes you feel so much better about a lot of things. Something about having order in your life I guess.
I did notice your hair is a little lighter in that zoo picture with Kyla, that was a great picture by the way, my favorite. I actually like it either THAT color, the slightly faded color or the natural blonde color. What are you leaning towards?
I'll have to come back and look at Kyla's pictures. I love your picture recaps, so I'm looking forward to it.
I like you with dark hair! I think maybe it's because it's different but it makes you look "saucy"... :D What does Erick think?
I'm SO with you in feeling like poo in a cramped or messy space. I don't ever feel relaxed! Not that my house is spic and span all the time, but I definately know there is a difference in my mood when the house is cleaner.
(I can't believe that doctor trying to drug you up even though it was obvious you weren't depressed. Sheesh. They're legal drug pushers!)
SO many LOS who can comment on just one. I love them all!
Just took a gander at Kyla's pictures and OH GOODNESS, that girl CANNOT take a bad pictures! What pretty big blue eyes she has! She's SO cute and getting SO big!
What a great bunch of pages!!!!
The minute I saw your new "avatar" picture, I thought....Oh I love her new hair do!!!! So I saw....keep it light!!!!!
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