Ok, first, I promised pics of what I bought on Wednesday:
THIS is the shirt that I own in both lilac and black and I have no clue what type of shirt it is. Anyone?

And the white tank with the lace trim:

Pink vneck and dark denim capris, silver braided belt:

Aqua scoop-neck, white denim capris (same belt):

Flats to go with both when I want to be more casual:

Polyester track suit with capri pants:

I had an awesome birthday weekend! Friday I woke up to my 3 loves singing "Feliz Cumpleanos" a la Dora the Explorer. ; ) and a fresh pot of coffee (that's my breakfast! Erick offered to make me breakfast but I can't eat when I first wake up for some reason.) We all got dressed and went to Target. I bought 2 more shirts, a pair of cropped capris, these shoes and a new tote (I'm a mom of two little ones. That's the smallest "diaper bag" I can get away with).
After that we stopped for my favorite lunch - Carnitas Tacos from Chipotle. And then I went and got a pedicure. It was a fab. day but Erick had to work so it was a short day. But I did get to spend the girls naptime digi-shopping! I'd mentioned that my friend Julie gave me a gift card to Scrapartist and I also got a very generous gift card from my friend Gina to SBB. So I had a lot of fun with that! Do my girls know me or what? Here is what I bought:
Shmootzy Stamp alpha set by Nancie Rowe Janitz
Digital Distressing Kit by Nancie Rowe Janitz
Artifacts paper set by Nancie Rowe Janitz
Essentials Element pack by Iron Orchid Designs
Petticoat Papers by Jen Wilson
ArtiStrokes: Spring Sprey by Fhung Lie
ArtiStitches #2 by Fhung Lie
So thanks to Kim (my twinner

to this:

(By the way, that shirt is one of the shirts I bought at Target on Friday). Anyway, I'm really happy with the color. So glad I decided to just go for it!
Sunday (or "tonight" depending on when you read this) we had a birthday dinner at our place with my family. It was a lot of fun as it always is when we get all the kids together. Poor Gavy was sick so my BIL stayed home with him (missed you Bri and Gav) but my sister came with my other nephew, Luke. We had a great time, lots of food and laughter. Pretty much exactly what you hope to do for your birthday! Both my parents gave me a gift card to the mall and my sister gave me a gift card to New York & Company. See....my family knows me to. Let the girl shop! My Dad and Cheryl also gave me a beautiful diamond-encrusted circle necklace. It's so pretty! And my sister made a digital LO of my boys. I immediately framed it and hung it on my wall.
Here is a pic Erick took of me with my girls before our guests arrived (Kenna was mad because Daddy DARED to take a photo without her in it before this):

Here are some pics from the dinner. You won't see any of my Mom unfortunately because she was the photographer. If you're curious about a pic, click the comments section. I added some commentary there.
Ok, now birthday news aside....I have some exciting SCRAP news! I've been invited to be a guest CT member for Kim Christensen! Kim sells exclusively at SBB and just in March alone she has released a whole string of phenomenal designs. She released a collaborative collection with Meredith Fenwick called the His & Hers Collection. You can buy it as a double cd set, you can buy the cds individually, or you can buy the kits individually. You really need to see the individual kits up close. They are OMG-Gorgeous. She also released 5 more beautiful kits this week.
A Little Something Playful
A Little Something Fab
A Little Something Pretty
A Little Something Fun
A Little Something Purple
So pick your mood and treat yourself to at least one of those on this Monday morning to help me celebrate the honor of being a guest on her creative team!
Alright, I must go to bed. I was gonna update my links list tonight but it's nearing midnight here. So I'll have to do that a little later. Don't forget, when you leave a comment, make sure that your blog address is listed somewhere (check your profiles....a lot of people don't have their blogs linked in their profiles!) and I'll be sure to stop by and say hi!
QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is the name of your child's favorite stuffed animal/doll? And if you don't have children, you can certainly apply the question to a neice, nephew, godchild, family friend or even your OWN childhood toy!
McKenna's favorite is a little pink teddy bear that Grandma Jean gave her. She calls him Huggy Bear. Anytime she's feeling unsure about going to school, she tucks Huggy Bear into her backpack and brings him with her. Kyla's favorite is also Huggy Bear. We need to get her one of her own. = )
Happy Monday friends!
So glad you had a great birthday...I love your new hairdo! Congrats on the guest CT spot with Kim, also! You're going to have a fun month!
Since I don't have children...I'm going to go with my dogs' favorite stuffed animal...a stuffed, floppy, puppet puppy.
Great pictures!!! Does anyone ever tell your sister she looks like Julia Styles??? Oh she does!!!!
My oldest is the only one with anything stuffed, it's a bear and she calles him "TeddY". My other two have blankets. R's is called "Butchy" and L's is called "Buddy".
Hmmmmm...not sure if it's in my profile, but my blog is http://mummytothree.blogspot.com/
so much to comment on today!!
LOVE your new clothes! Sounds like you had a great birthday! I think lunch at Chipotle's is perfect!!
Good digi shopping too! Unfortunately I followed your links and since I'm easily suggestible, I have to do some shopping now! LOL
And you already now I think your new hairstyle is hot! It was nice to see 'regular' pictures of you though too. It really does fit you so perfectly! You and Mel look even more alike than before!
And those pictures! So many to comment on!!
But I liked seeing a party at your house because I've been there!! Woo! LOL It looks like you had a great time! Poor Gavy! I hope he's feeling better soon! ROFL at you eating Kit Kats on the exer bike! That's just wrong!
OMG! Congrats on the CT spot with Kim!!! She's one of my ultimate favorite designers! I'm so so so jealous!!
Favorite animal, huh? Let's see...Nick is pretty attached to his Star Wars guys-they're the equivelant of a doll, right? LOL He does have a little soft piggy that he loves too!
Matthew loves his stuffed Rhino that Grandma gave him for his first Christmas
Cute hair -- and it sounds like you had a great birthday -- good for you.
Fave animals, in order:
6 year old: A blue bunny she named Special Bunny
4 year old: A yellow cat named Glitz and a soft black dog she (ironically) named Snowflake
3 year old: A white lamb she calls Lamby
1 year old: Nada -- she doesn't have a special toy -- she just likes what anybody else has!
I love the petticoat papers best. Your scrap excursions are great cause then I can see what is out there.
I love your new hair color and cut. It looks so regal.
Favorite animal...
Jareds was named coonie It was a little racoon.
Sarah only cared about her blankie
Emma loves all animals and refuses to name them.
Joseph only cares for his cars.
Congrats on Kim's CT, that's great news!!!
Sounds like such a fun weekend!! You got to do lots and lots of shopping and sounds like you've got even more to look forward to!
Rhett's favorite stuffed animal doesn't have a name, but it's a chenille puppy that he got for his first Christmas and it plays some sort of real dreamy sounding music.
Aww- sounds like a wonderful birthday! Your hair looks really cute- and LOVE your purchases.
Micah hasn't named any of his toys- but he loves his baby Elmo.
Happy (Belated) Birthday Shannon! I love your new look - I did the same thing a few months back. :)
P.S. My Ellie has a bunny named "Buddy" and Jack has a teddy bear called "Mr. Bear" (how original, huh?) ;)
Have a great week!
Sounds like a fabulous birthday weekend!
Sheba's favorite toy: squeaky hedgehog from PetSmart
Looks like you made some great birthday purchases! I'm so jealous we don't have a NY & Co here & those clothes are so cute! And your haircut & color are adorable too! My hair has naturally ;) gotten darker over the years and I love it so much better than when it was blonder.
Kaylie's favorite doll is a Cabbage Patch baby she named Emily after a little girl at her old daycare. Kelsie has lots of babies she carts around but none are named yet though. She also has a pillow that she got when she was in the hospital last year that she is very attached to! She must have it to sleep with every night or else!
Love love LOVE the new do! Everything about it. The cut is great on you and holy cows you look fantastic in that color. Love the new outfits too. Hope you had a great birthday! :)
Wow!! You got SUCH cute clothes for your birthday and I LOVE the shoes too!! I'm glad your birthday was so great!! Your new haircut looks awesome and I love the color! I'm never brave enough to color my hair, so I'll just live vicariously through those that are, lol!! Congrats on the CT position too, that's wonderful!! :)There's so much digital shopping that I want to do right now, but I'm just not sure what I want most!!
You know, strangely enough, Libby doesn't have a favorite stuffed animal. She's never really been into that...I do catch her hugging some of her animals every now and then, but I'm not sure she has a fave quite yet. :) Have a fab evening!!
Okay FIRST I LOVE your new color! It totally fits your cute haircut! Very nice!!! It looks like you had a great birthday and I loved the outfits you shopped for! Very nice!
Okay lets see, Maddy really likes her stuffed turtle named "Shelley"..(get it.. shelley?? Because turtles ...have the shell ....bad dum dum.) She hugs it every morning and goes..."ooooh, shelley...so scwheet...so cooot" (so cute).
Birthday message for you on my blog.. promise not to kill me after you read it okay? Promise to be my friend even AFTER you see what I put up. Ok???? PINKY SWEAR you won't kill me.......
Ack! I read this yesterday and totally never opened a new window to comment!
I love the clothes! We got the same sandals... different color.
The pic of you with the girls is cute, even if Kenna is angry. LOL I think her hair looks very brown there... just like yours! So see, you still look like their Mommy. LOL
Emily's favorite doll is Molly or Michael Ryan. It's a toss-up. Andrew's favorite is anything he can steal away from his sister. :P
Pics: LOL @ Kenna's satin shoes! Emily would die for her outfit. ;) And Kyla is getting so big! You got some cute pictures of you and Mel. So what were you two laughing at huh? ;)
lots of great pics! so glad your birthday was a fun one!
you would be fun to go shopping with, you got cute stuff!!!
congrats on getting guest ct on kim's team!
i am tryin to think of a favorite stuffy around here, but there doesn't seem to be one at the moment.
LOVE the hair, color and cut. And LOVE the white shirt on you. :)
I am glad you had a great birthday!
Happy Belated Bday! Seth's lovey is a blue dog named, appropriately... "Blue Dog", LOL! Congrats on the CT spot as well!
Ugh! Delaney has a stinky old bear named Mr. Squishy that she stole from me at Colin's baby shower. She has to sleep with him, take him to the doctor...whatever. As long as I can tie him up in a pillowcase and wash him once a month, I'm happy.
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