Alright, I believe this entire entry is 100% scrap related. Unless you want to hear about how I washed, dried, folded and put away five loads of laundry today? Or about how NY & CO pissed me off and I am currently boycotting them? Or about how Erick had a pair of shoes custom-made to say The Vox on the back (his nickname).
Not to mention I can't remember if I've told you all some things. Like have I already mentioned that McKenna can spell her last name? Or did I tell the story of the time I was cooking and I let her look in the pot and she said "Aw, corned beef is so byooful." Did I ever update on Kyla's mystery "tooth" that we thought was surfacing two months ago and then disappeared? (Turned out to be a cyst.)
I don't know. My mind is a blur this week.
Anyway, I know we all like to see what others shop for and Erick gave me some digi-shopping money so I picked up some fun stuff. Here is what I got:
CK Cursive font
CK Paris font
CK Chemistry font
Linnea font
Gisela font
Script Elegant font
2peas Flea Market font
Pied a Terre (blush) by Iron Orchid Designs
Plantation by Iron Orchid Designs
Floral Overlay #3 by Kellie Mize
Boho Chic papers by Michelle Coleman
Boho Chic elements by Michelle Coleman
Emma's Sundress by Michelle Coleman
Polished Chic alpha tags by Michelle Coleman
Artistrokes Frabels by Fhung Lie
Worn Foam Stamps by Jen Wilson
Glitter Kitchen - Lots of Heart by Jen Wilson
Glitter Kitchen - Glitzy Swirls by Jen Wilson
Glitter Kitchen - Glitter Glue Centered Flowers by Jen Wilson
Sweet Little Things by Jen Wilson
Obviously I was on a Jen kick while shopping. Which means I got sucked into her "I'm smarter than Shannon" marketing genius. I normally would not spend this much on one designer all at once but I could not resist this deal. She's releasing a new kit each day for seven days. If you buy both the paper and the elements on the day of their release, then after all seven days you get: A bonus pack (which is add-ons to ALL seven of the kits), a whole NEW kit AND $10 worth of coupons. I simply could not resist. So far I've bought the first two kits: Extraordinary Everyday papers and elements and Dreams for You papers and elements.
So much fun stuff!! It's good to know that if my designers ever run out of stuff to design that I'm stocked. Hang on, I have to wait for us all to stop dying laughing because we know that ain't gonna happen! I work for the best of the best!
Which leads me to my big, exciting news.....
I still can't believe it's true.....
IRON ORCHID DESIGNS INVITED ME TO BE ON THEIR CT! Holy hell! I'm still shocked! And thrilled! And shocked! Wait did I say shocked? LOL! I'm so excited. I just love Josie and Sally, the amazingly talented sisters who create the IOD designs. I got curious about what it would be like to work with their products because they have a very rich and detailed, warm, artistic look to their designs so I decided to download their Felina freebie at TDC. Well from that I got my This Moment is Ours LO and I was instantly hooked. As my good friend Shanah said, their designs are "the kind of stuff you could just slap on the wall and call it a day.....don't even have to scrap with it to enjoy it's beauty." So true. You could just frame one of their papers and call it art just like so. They're amazing artists and amazing women and I'm really excited to get to work with them! Once the reality sinks in that it's true!! Check out their designs at ACOT, TDC and Scrapartist.
Now I've got lots of LOs for you. I was hoping to have something for Kim Christensen up asap but she had the wrong email for me so I JUST got my products from her. I can't wait to start scrapping for her!! I had the worst time picking what to start with because it's ALL beautiful but I did finally decide on two of her new kits. So be on the lookout for the first Kim Christensen LO soon. I'm positive I'll do one tonight barring something crazy like a massive earthquake that separates me from my beloved laptop. (Don't even think such word curses!)
Recent LOs
(Click image to view closer or read journaling)
Little Girls

Credits: Everything is from the new Shabby Princess freebie (Spring Breeze) except for the white paper which is from her Splendid freebie. Flower from Carrie Stephen's Truly Delightful freebie. Alpha is from Gina Miller's ACOT exclusive Soda Shoppe kit. Fonts are Janellescript and MA Sexy. Quote is from Annie.
* Just a note....tonight is the LAST CHANCE you'll have to get any of Gina's products at ACOT. She's decided to not sell there anymore and focus exclusively at SBB. So if you like that alpha or any other items she has in her ACOT store, make sure you grab them NOW and while they're at 30-60% off!!

Credits: Paper: Jen Wilson; Tape, envelope, tag, inked edge overlay from Essential Element Pack by Iron Orchid Designs; Gypsy charm by Josie Celio; Flower by Amy Martin; Photo action by Photoblast; Fonts are Belphebe, Papyrus, Mom's Typewriter.
Star Quality

Credits: This kit was so bright and fun! Baby Cakes by Carrie Stephens. Glitter Star border freebie by Gina Miller. Glitter Dot border by Melany Violette. Staple by Bree Clarkson. Shmootzy Alpha by Nancie Rowe Janitz. Fonts are FG Scripted Elegance and Problem Secretary.

Credits: This is using the beautiful "Falling in Love" kit by Angie Briggs. Lace brush by Michelle Coleman. Font is FG Scripted Elegance.
First Sippy

Credits: How CUTE are these fibers? They're by Gina Miller (Fun with Fibers 1) and completely digital but they are so authentic looking! Really bright and fun colors. I had to use a bunch of them because I couldn't pick just one! Lots of other Gina Miller elements as well: Background paper is from her "Perfectly Pastel: Sunday Suit" paper pack. Flowers (recolored) are from her "Weathered & Worn: My Heart's Wish" element pack. Alphas are from her "Weathered and Worn" element packs ("Grass Roots", "My Heart's Wish", "Lakeside Retreat"). Staple by Kim Christensen. Brad by Shabby Princess. Fonts are 2peas Flea Market and CK Mama O.
Question of the Day: Is there a sound that just gives you the absolute heebie jeebies? I ask this because McKenna is chewing on an old pacifier (she never took a paci and Kyla only took one for the first 3 months yet I still have this thing?) and the sound of her chewing on the rubber piece is just making my teeth hurt for some reason. AAAAAAAAAAAAck! Do you know what I'm talking about? Anyone else have a sound that just grates on your nerves like that?
Also, if you have me linked on your blog, let me know. I'm updating my links list over the next couple of days. Thanks Chicas. ; )
Ooooh look at me, I'm first!! :) You did some fun digi shopping, girlie!! I hesitate to click on the links for fear of getting sucked in and spending yet more money, lol. I did pick up the Jen Wilson glittery bits and I too found myself taking Jen up on her awesome deal with her new line. Yep, I'll be buying all seven, lol!! Who am I to pass up free goodies!! Your new LO's are as always gorgeous!! I just love the picture of Kenna and Kyla smiling. How sweet!! :) Your new pictures are so pretty!! That hair color suits you!! As for sounds that bother me....my DH snoring (once I hear him start snoring, it's nearly impossible for me to fall asleep, lol), and the sound of a dripping faucet. I have a very keen sense of hearing, so it seems there are quite a few sounds that bother me ;) And of course I have you linked in my blog. This has become a favorite stop of mine!! :) Have a wonderful evening!! Off to stop myself from digi shopping, lol!!
I like some of your new Font Garden fonts. Maybe I'll have to do some shopping in a bit.....
Ok the earthquake-laptop separation thing made me think: what ever happened at Best Buy with the laptop?????
Congrats again on IOD! I bought some of their stuff the other day. Now if only I could find the time to actually use it. *eyeroll*
Oh wait. You mentioned a lot of things in the beginning blurb that you never told us! McKenna can spell her last name? That's great! And Kyla had a cyst on her gum? I am guessing it was no biggie, poor thing.
Hmmm as for the annoying noise, I am going to have to say.. I can't think right now! How lame is that? LOL
That is alot of digi shopping! I'm trying to be good on the digi shopping now cuz I need to find time to use some of what I've already bought LOL! Every single one of your layouts is just byooful as McKenna would say! Congrats on the IOD CT & Kim's guest CT!
My husband snores so loud sometimes that I have to get up & leave the room if I'm not already asleep! That definitely bugs me! Of course when I tell him to stop he claims he wasn't snoring & tries to blame it on me!
i am the exact same way as your friend "laurie" above...i hate clicking on the links b/c then i ALWAYS end up shopping, but i do remember to keep this post in my memory, so when i am allowed to shop, i check it out again to see some good ideas! Your lo's are sooo great! the first time i read your blog, you were just getting started with digiscrapping (as was i) and i think you are now an official PRO!! your lo's are SO creative-pulling from many kits and i love how you changed the colors on the gina miller flowers! also, using the alphas from 3 different kits was such a GREAT idea! kyla is getting so big and has such a beautiful smile!!
the noise that makes me CRAZY is my husband sighing OUT OF HIS NOSE!!! just imagine it... UGH! he is very laid back and never raises his voice when he is mad or frustrated, instead he just does this ANNOYING sighing over and over! i would rather hear him yell once in awhile! i linked your blog to mine just a few weeks ago b/c i was always finding myself opening Jen's blog to get to yours! :)have a GREAT weekend and congrats on your CT position!
The layouts are fab. The sippy cup page is so cute. I love how you so easily adapt your style to the papers you're working with. Congrats on the new team!
Annoying noise...I grind my teeth in my sleep sometimes and that is annoying (for more reasons than one) and yes, sometimes I actually hear it and wake up. LOL
Congrats on your new CT position. Seems like everyone is taking note of how talented you are! :)
I don't know where to begin with the LO's, because they are all great. I especially love the one of you (wording is perfect, and I love your new hair color), and the Faces LO. Your girls are beautiful.
Annoying noise? People who chew or slurp their food loudly. That drives me up a wall like none other.
See after seeing your LOs, I'm not surprised that you got invited to be on another CT. :D Congratulations!! And OMG, I LOVE ALL your LOs on this post! I LOVE the Little Girls one and Star Quality! Kyla is SO cute!! She kills me with those cheeks EVERYTIME.
McKenna can spell her last name! I CAN'T even spell your last name! (ie? ei?) That girl's a genius.
Annoying noises? Leaf Blowers! I can't STAND them! GET. A. RAKE.
Ok, you did not tell us that NY&Co pissed you off. Didn't you just shop there for your bday? What happened?
You did not tell us about Kenna! She's such a smart girl! I'm very proud of her!
You did not tell us abut Erick getting custom shoes! LOL
You did not tell us that kenna thinks corned beef is byooful!
I refuse to click your links! I can not do more shopping! I have too many unused kits as it is and I just bought Gina's boy line!
I love all your layouts and I think I commented on all of them except the sippy cup one! I really like how you used all the fibers!
WOW...congrats on IOD!!!!
I love all the new font's you got!!! I might have to check some of them out!!!
The noise that most makes me want to crawl out of my skin is styrofoam rubbing on cardboard. Like when you buy electronics and you need to get them out of the box!?!?!? ARGH!!!!!!!!!!
Annoying sound: people chewing with their mouths open and doing a little smacking sound with their lips at the same time. Ewww, GROSS.
And you're linked on my blog. :)
Wow! You know how to shop, girl! Congrats on the CT position! your new layouts are gorgeous!
Annoying noise? Clipping toenails! I hate that!
I am so glad I read your blog tonight. I wanted to do this special LO for my Grandma and I was going to go scrap shopping. I figured I would check out what new stuff you suggested and I found the perfect paper and it was a freebie. Your awesome. Keep is all up to date.
Love the Lo of you.
You are going to have to fill me in on what a CT position is? I am still new to the digi scrap world.
OK, I am dying to know how NY&C ticked you off after you had such luck there last week. By the way, your new hair is super cute! I love the new color. Being a girl is just so darn fun!
As for the questions, the sound that drives me crazy is my daughter grinding her teeth. AUGH it is making me tense up just thinking about it. And yes, I have a link to you on my blog. You crack me up! Congrats on the new CT!
Holy shopping spree Batman! Next time take me with ya, K. tee hee (Seriously though, wouldn't that be fun to go on a digi-scrapping shopping spree together.)
Love the pages. Just DARLING!!!
And I hear ya on the sounds that make your teeth "itch", as I like to say. Truthfully I have too many to count. But at the momemt they are: my husband's whistling, when I get my hair razered, my dishwasher on the dry cycle, ANYONE chewing, the sound of Gray screaming upstairs because he is in his BED and can't go to sleep. (yup, that's making me NUTS right NOW. Better go help out.) Love ya Shan!
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