So Kyla naps in her swing still. And lately she's at the stage where she squirms her way to wherever she wants to go. Well she was napping yesterday, in the swing. I don't normally turn our monitor on because I can hear her cooing and squealing when she wakes up. But since I knew I'd be cleaning the back bathroom, I turned it on so I'd know when she was awake.
I hear her wake up and she's in there making all her little noises that she usually does. Then she makes this kind of inhaling-gasping squeal sound. At first I just barely thought anything of it. I noticed it but assumed it was just a new laugh or something. But then it happened again and several times right in a row. Something in me just said "She's not right." So I sprinted from the back bathroom to her room and when I got there, she had squirmed her way into a full back-bend and her face was crushed into the back part of her swing (where her back would rest if she were facing forward). Her entire face was smothered and she had wedged herself so that she couldn't even wiggle out. She was red and turning blue and just making these little struggled breathing sounds. I grabbed her and her color immediately came back. She just looked stunned for about 30 seconds and then went right back to her normal self. All I kept thinking was "What if I didn't have the monitor on? I would have never known."
She's totally fine now but NO more swing naps for her!! And now my monitor is always on because she's just at a stage where she is wiggly and strong but doesn't yet have the control to not get into awkward positions. I will never, ever forget how frightened she looked.
When I asked myself what I could've done differently, I know the answer is "nothing". It is totally unexpected that a baby could or would get into that position. So if there is a lesson for me to learn through all this it's to lift my children in prayer as often as I can. There are so many little ways that harm can come to them, ways I may not even be aware of. I need to cover them in prayer because I won't be able to protect them from everything at all times.
Whew. Ok, shake it off. It was a few days ago and she really is fine. So please don't think I'm heartless that I'm able to jump to another subject.
Subject is.....ANGIE BRIGGS! I am so very honored that Angie asked me to work with her gorgeous designs. I had worked with her doodles and her Whimsy & Style freebie and I've always thought she was very talented! So I was so flattered when she asked me if I'd like to work with her products. Definitely YES!
Now here is the fun part....if you're interested in working with her products as well, email her! She is very no-pressure about her team. She has a lot of other projects going on so she only designs about one kit a month which she sells at Scrapgirls. She is a wonderful person and her designs are really beautiful. Her latest kit is called Chasing Butterflies and I can't wait to work with it! In fact, I'm gonna wrap up this post and go start on it now! But anyway, if you're interested in a low-key/high-quality creative team then definitely drop her an email!
Recent LOs
(Click each image to view closer/read journaling)
Say What

Credits: Almost all of these beautiful products are by Gina Miller. Papers from her Polka Papers line (most are slightly recolored and are from "Burst of Mango" and "Woodloch Springs"); Polaroid, staples, stick pins (slightly altered) from BYOBB-Add On kit; Notebook paper from "Note-This 2" element pack; Alpha from her "Kinda Sweet" alpha set; Yellow brads from her "Jeweled Brads" element pack; Flowers from her "Vellum Flowers 1" element pack; String by Sarah Bartdorf; Paper tear by Traci Murphy; Fonts are Susie's Hand, CK Cosmopolitan, AL Scratched.
Young Love, Forever Love

Credits: DH and myself at the fair about 3 1/2 years ago. Everything is from Carrie Stephen's gorgeous "Calypso Nights" kit. Fonts are AL Age Old Love and Petrascript.
Everyday Fancy

Credits: This is for Gina Miller's Sketch Challenge #6 at SBB. Everything is from Jen Wilson's "Scented Candle" kit. Fonts are Janellescript and Girls are Weird.
My Little Shortcake

Credits: For anyone not familiar with Strawberry Shortcake, the line "That girl is so sweet" is from the theme song. = ) Most everything is from Meredith Fenwick's "Sleepy Morning" kit except for the stitches (Gina Miller) and the background paper (mine). Fonts are CAC Pinafore and Dymotape Inverse.
OMG I cannot believe the commercial I just saw. It's for a show called The Real Housewives of Orange County. It must be South County women because that sure ain't my life! LOL! Will I watch? Maybe.
Edited to add - New blog look complete! Now to take a new avatar photo. Gettin' kind of tired of this one!
How scary!! Poor Kyla, but you are right, there's nothing you could have done differently. So happy she's okay now!
Holy COW Shannon! We ARE a lot alike....even our babies seem to live parallel lifes sometimes. Sweet little Gray (who, BTW, is just 5 days older than Kyla) still sleeps in his swing too....and yesterday I heard those same squeely, cooing sounds...and then some wierd rasping sounds. I bolted in there to see that the little stinker had wiggled his way almost completely out of his swing. His legs were about 4 inches from the ground and his head was down where his bum usually is. I was horrified. Don't even ask me how he didn't get plunked out on his head. Time to start strapping the little guy in. Can't quite bring myself to give it up completely yet. :)
And I just have to give a big "ditto" to your comment on the skinny girls thread at TwoPeas. The old b**bies have been deflated and then some. Probably an overshare, but where the heck did they go? I swear I was a size B/C and now...uuuuhhhhh...definitely an A. :)
Anyhow, I'm glad your sweet baby girlie is ok!!!! And congrats on the new CT!
Oh my gosh! My heart skipped a beat there. I'm glad Kyla's okay! Thank God for your foresight to turn on the monitor! You're a great mom!
I LOOOVE your LO's! You're so freakin' talented!
Kyla kyla kyla!! No more scaring Mommy like that!! I'm so glad she's ok!
Woohoo on the huge compliment from Angie Briggs!!
Oh wow. That is so scary about Kyla. I am so glad she's OK. But you are right, nothing you could have done. My poor Mom had quite a few similar episodes trying to raise two little twin boys. It happens. So glad she's OK and back to her cute little self! You're a great Mommy!
Love the LO's. I second what Alyson said... you are so very talented!
OMG. Thank goodness you had the monitor on! And yes, really, there is nothing you could have done differently.
OH, I FINALLY got photoshop from my brother! I know I know, I've been saying it for a million years that I'm going to start.. but really, I am now!
LOVE your new blog design!!
Ooooh someone's loving teal right now. Looks great!
Ok now YOU left ME nothing to comment on. LOL Read about Kyla (poor thing), knew about Angie (congrats!) and saw all of your LOs already (beautiful!)
I will say- I am kind of intrigued by these OC women on that show. As soon as I saw the commercial I thought "this is such a load of bs! My friends Shannon and Julie are nothing like that!" LOL
lovin the new look shannon! cute new los!
I know a girl, and there is no one sweeter . . . do do do do. See, I know the song! In fact, I think my girls are watching some Strawberry movie as I type (and do our taxes - blech).
Anyway, gorgeous layouts -- really love the Say What one - awesome colors.
OMG! How scary! That is the worst feeling! I remember when Rivers was just crawling around, I brike a baby food jar in the pantry one day. I thought that I had cleaned it up extra carefully and we are 2 layers of baby gates (the kitchen then pantry) from the family room. Later that evening Rivers was on the floor with something obviusly in her mouth. I chased her down and fished it out. My finger came out bloody, with a piece of glass! I was so horrified and "what if she had swallowed it" was all I could think of! I guess that one of the dogs had found one as I was cleaning and drug it into the family room. I still get sick to my stomach when I think about it. It semms like things happen, no matter how careful you are! BTW Love the new outfit!
LOVE the new design!!
So, how hard was it to change things up?
I like the new BLUE look...
Hi Shannon,
I had the same sort of thing happen to me when my Ellie was a baby. I had the bassinet beside my bed but would frequently bring her in to nurse. I always returned her to it for fear of falling asleep afterwards. Well, one night I must have been exhausted beacuse I did fall asleep, when I awoke I found her beside me but her face was turned inside towards the pillow. She wasn't gasping or anything but she was so young that she couldn't move herself. I know it was God's gentle tap on my shoulder to wake me that night. God is in control and you are so smart to bring everything to Him in prayer! :0)
p.s. Love your new look!
I'm so glad your baby's ok! I love your layouts and the new look for your blog! I read your comment on my blog today...Wicked the musical doesn't have the disturbing parts the book has. It was a little shocking to read...but I still love it, too!
It is amazing to me how much these little ones are looked after. Sometimes I now their has to be angels telling me to turn around or to check on someone. So glad to hear she's alright.
I love the cute layouts. HOw do you find time???
shannon you are such a good mommy! and yes you are absolutely right, there is nothing you could have done differently and yes our children need prayer for those unforseen situations that they will get themselves into!
Gorgeous layouts and congrats to you on getting to work with Angie!
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