Here she is....my beautiful four-year old girl. She is still such a petite little munchkin and no one can believe she's four years old. She may be tiny but her personality is ALL four! She's a drama queen, my little helper, my snuggle bug, she's cautious, she's introverted in new groups but extroverted with her friends or on stage. She's imaginative - especially lately. I'm always blown away when I overhear the games she's come up with and the songs she creates. She's so very bright, already starting to read. Yesterday we drove through old-town Brea and she said "B-R-E-A. Buh-ray-uh. Brea." She sounded it out all on her own! I know adults who still pronounce it "Bree-yuh"! LOL!! And she's funny too! She cracks me up with the things she says. Last night when she and I were driving, there was this man on the corner with long hair and a cane. She said "Mom, I thought that man was a dog but he's just a dude without a shirt." LOL...what?!?!?!
I cannot believe that four years ago tonight I was sitting in the labor and delivery room, holding my new daughter as our family arrived for their first visit. I was tired, I was starving, I was floating on cloud nine. You can read her birth story here if you've never read it before.
We celebrated her birthday on Thursday but this morning she did wake up to some presents from Mommy, Daddy, sissy, baby and Dokken. She had fun playing while I did a little housework and then we went to Target to pick up the thank you notes for her party. After that we stopped at Mrs. Fields to get her a princess cupcookie for her to enjoy after lunch. : )
This evening, my Dad and Erick installed our K9 grass (thank you sooooo so SO much for that Dad!) and the girls are LOVING their backyard again. Last year we planted grass and the soil just didn't allow healthy grass to grow in 70% of the yard. So we're pretty excited about this option so that the kids can still play in the back with Dokken. No watering, no mowing, no bugs, no mud, no wasps (the wasps were all over our grass last summer). It looks real and feels less scratchy then grass. And it drains so if it rains or the girls wanna use a little swimming pool, we don't have to worry about it getting wet. We're making a little dog run for Dokken so she'll have a designated potty place and it will have a little gate border so the kids know to stay out of it. Dokken arrives Saturday and we're all too excited for her to get here!! It'll be the perfect end to McKenna's birthday week. : )
1 comment:
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO McKenna!!!..not to sound cliche but my oh my how time flies!!! I still remember when you told me you were pregnant!!
Her birthday party looked like so much fun! You wanna plan mine? I so don't have the party planning knack whatsoever! haha!
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