But I really love how my projects turned out! Wanna see 'em?
Digital Layout:

Credits here.
Altered Project:

Credits here. Close up of the pages here.
I had a lot of fun doing that purse album. Definitely check out the page close-ups if you get a chance. My favorites are the Memory pages and the Treats pages.
I'm beginning to wonder how McKenna is gonna do during this dance recital. She could not be more disinterested. It's so obvious why too. She doesn't like tap. She likes ballet. When they do freestyle dance, she always chooses ballet. She talks all the time about her "beautiful ballet dance" that she did during the last show. This one bores her. She gets really distracted easily and she's just not excited about it. Kyla on the other hand LOVES it. She is a jazz and funk girl all the way. It's so funny but I can picture them as teenagers. McKenna would be all Ballet and Gymnastics. Kyla would be Jazz and Hip Hop.
Speaking of Gymnastics, McKenna has been begging to take Gymnastics for months now. Since we're going to take a dance break after her recital, I told her we could look into a Gymnastics class. She has a trial class this afternoon and she's pretty excited. I'm so glad they do a trial class and let you sign up month-to-month. That'll make it much easier to commit!
Here's some pictures I took of McKenna before church yesterday. My sister bought her this dress and McKenna adored it. Every person who saw her complimented her on it:

They announced VBS for the summer (Vacation Bible School for those who are unfamiliar). Trinity apparently puts on a pretty awesome VBS program and I've looked forward to the day when my kids could go. So I was so excited when I saw that they allow them to attend as early as four years old! In fact, the camp STARTS on McKenna's fourth birthday! So we're definitely gonna sign her up. It's 5 days in the summer from 9am-12pm. Tons of activities - bible stories, songs, crafts, water day, family night, etc. I think she's really gonna love it and it'll be a great opportunity for her to start making friends at church.
Oh and they DID have a 3-year old Sunday School class this week. Phew. I didn't want her stuck in the nursery when all she wanted was to have a real Sunday School class! So when I dropped her off I asked the teacher "Will you be singing songs about Jesus today?" And she said YES! McKenna was so happy! They also did a really cute art project and a bible verse. : ) Her little dream come true.
Speaking of art projects, I wanted to show this one off. Pretty good huh?

Ok, last thing on the McKenna update....guess where her and Erick are going! To their FIRST Father/Daughter dance! Awww! It's a beach-themed party with dancing, dinner and contests and they'll get a little souvenir photo. How adorable is that? It's June 15th. I can not wait to scrap that!
I think Kyla is about ready for her own class too. She's not quite old enough for a real dance class though she would love it if she could! She has a blast dancing to Kenna's recital music. And when I took her with me to McKenna's class this weekend, she stayed in the corner but danced along for at least half the class. She really does imitate them too! She can do a pretty good tendu and a shuffle step! I think I'll probably end up signing her up for a mommy & me activity class. Some songs and movement or something. She'd love that I bet!
She's SUCH a stinker because when I drive, she'll say "Wooooah!" and "Weee!" like she's on a roller coaster! LOL! I do NOT even drive fast but she makes me feel like I'm a crazy driver!
She has her manners mixed up. If SHE sneezes then SHE says "beshou" (bless you). But if someone else burps, then she says "Syuze me!" (Excuse me).
Here are some pictures I took of Kyla before church. She does NOT cooperate for photos! She refused to look. And then after you take the photo she says "I see?" Then she has to see the picture before she'll let me take another one (and she has no intention of looking in the direction of the camera that time either).

I'd bought her a cute headband but she wouldn't keep it in. I love how these little hair knobbies look though:

Don't you just wanna gobble her little neck? LOL!
She loves her Sunday School class. She has a bunch of kids to play with and really they just play. She's happy to be dropped off and all smiles when we pick her up again. It's nice because the service is a little bit long but it's nice to be able to relax and really focus on the sermon and not worry if the kids feel sad or abandoned.
I really love when she watches Diego. It reminds me how smart and grown up she's becoming. For instance, today Diego asked something like (and I'm totally making up the objects here because I can't remember) "Can this rake help us climb a tree?" And Kyla shook her head and said "Noooo." Diego said "Can this tire help us climb a tree?" And Kyla shook her head and said "Noooo." And then Diego said "Can this ladder help us climb a tree?" Kyla tilted her head thoughtfully and studied the ladder and then she nodded emphatically and said "Yeah!"
Can you believe she'll be in a toddler bed soon? : ( Come August we're gonna put both girls in one room. Kyla is moving to the toddler bed and McKenna is getting a twin. She said she wants one like Wendy has. I have no idea what that means. I'm gonna have to watch Peter Pan to figure it out but I'm guessing she means a four-poster bed? Anyway, I think they'll do ok at bedtime but I don't know what's gonna happen at naptime! Kyla still takes a pretty solid nap and McKenna doesn't. She has quiet time where she reads. But if McKenna is in the room, Kyla won't sleep. If McKenna is NOT in a room, McKenna won't rest. She'll be all over, asking me for a million things. So maybe I'll have her rest in my room?
Well it's time to get ready for the Gymnastics class! Then I've got a ton of work tonight. Julie had to cancel our lunch date for tomorrow so I'm either going to 1) take McKenna for a mother/daughter day at Disneyland before it starts to get too hot and crowded with summer! Or 2) I'm gonna head to Starbucks with my laptop for some uninterrupted work time. That'll all depend on how much work I get done tonight and what the weather is supposed to be like tomorrow. It's been 90 here lately!!! Yikes! Time to bust out the water toys! One of the Mom's invited me to a playdate at the park this afternoon and I quickly said "No thanks". It's boiling out!
I vote for Disneyland in the morning. TOTALLY. :)
3:30 am...yikes, I would be beat too! But it was worth it, your layout and altered project turned out AMAZING! :)
Oh, and Matt just happened to see the picture of McKenna in her dress and thought it was adorable! She is too cute for words.
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