So I hope you all had a nice Mother's Day. I got to sleep in and then woke up to my husband and babies bouncing on the bed and yelling "Happy Mother's Day!" Well, Erick and McKenna were yelling. Kyla just looked at us with a huge smile. McKenna made me a few presents at school. She made me this magnet:

And this beautiful gift (it has pictures of her on it):

And during free-paint, she drew Hot Mommy. LOL!

Can you believe that? I don't know if I'm so touched that it was me she was thinking of during free-paint or if I'm embarrassed that she drew "hot mommy". I'm fairly sure this is because Erick always sings a song about "hot mommy". But I noticed that the teacher wrote the subject as two separate things because I'm sure she was thoroughly confused. But if you ask McKenna "What is this a picture of?" She says "Hot Mommy". LOL!!!
And look what Erick did....he SCRAPPED a layout for me for Mother's Day! All by himself! I didn't even know he was doing it. Isn't he the sweetest? Pretty good for a first layout huh?

Later that day, I was scrapping and I used Gina's cardboard that she had in her Note This pack. I told Erick "Look how cool this cardboard piece is." He said "Don't think just because I did one layout you can start talking scrap with me." LOL, he's afraid I'm gonna try and suck him into our scrapping cult.
He did give me money to buy scrap supplies and a new outfit as my presents. But I don't feel like I need any new clothes really so I think I'm gonna use the money to register McKenna for an extra-curricular class for the summer. I asked her which she wanted to do most - soccer or ballet (she loves both). She chose ballet. So ballet it is. She starts in July. Once she made her decision (I didn't want to influence her one way or the other) I said "Do you know what this means? You'll get your first pair of real official ballet slippers!" Her little eyes lit up and she said "WEAL Official Balway SWIPPERS???" She is so excited!!
Anyway, that was about the extent of my Mother's Day festivities because McKenna started throwing up and running a fever right after her nap. So her gift to me was that she needed me to be her Mommy. Somehow it was the perfect way to spend the day. I'm a Mother and any opportunity I get to take care of my babies is a special thing for me.
Here are my recent projects. I did one of the altered projects that I mentioned. I took a planter from the dollar spot at Target and "fancied" it up into this:

But I had no idea what to do with it once I was done. So I turned it into this:

Hey, that works right?
And here are my recent layouts:

Credits: Background paper: Creative Being freebie by Jen Wilson; Other papers: Good Times by Carrie Stephens; Inked Edge Action by Atomic Cupcake; Font: Never Writes Back
Lil Darlin

Credits: Welcome to the GMD Sinead. Here is your Welcome Lift! I loved the layered design and the soft gentle feel of your Sweet Sleep layout. Thanks for the inspiration! Credits: I love the warm, down-home feel of these Whispers papers by IOD. Inked edge overlay also by IOD. Folksy alpha by Jackie Eckles. Gingham ribbon and Hobo Flowers by Katie Pertiet. Photo action by Photoblast. Font is Carpenter. See Sinead's original here.
2nd Thoughts Already?

Credits: Welcome to the GMD team Tiff! Papers and stick pin: Vintage Florals by Shabby Princess; Gingham ribbon and bows, aged alpha brush by Katie Pertiet; Journal tag by Michelle Coleman; Alpha by Gina Cabrera; Photo action by Photoblast; Fonts: Dymo and Jailbird Jenna. See Tiff's original here.
Totally Typical Cali Girl

Credits: Erick totally ruined this layout. He said at first glance it looks like it says "Call Girl". LOL! That's because in California, we never use the term "Cali". But the rest of the country calls us that and it worked for the layout so there ya go. Almost everything from Gina Miller's new Citrus Brights kit. And I used her awesome new revamped Stitches. I also used Michelle Coleman's Flourish Brushes and Brush Strokes. Font is CK Cursive.
The Best You Had to Give

Credits: My Mother's Day gift for my Mom = ) I used the Spring Jellybean freebie from Peppermint Creative, alpha by Deb F, Shmootzy Frame by Nancie Rowe Janitz, Color Wash photo action by Photoblast and the font is FG Gisela.
Journaling says: You have given us strength, courage, compassion, humor, and honesty. When you look at this photo, we hope that you see in us the resullt of your efforts, your sacrifice and your love. We hope that you see the very best of what you had to give.
You Make My World Go Round

Credits: I scrapped this during Erick's sound check at his concert last Friday. I love having a laptop. This is Gina Miller's Teal Explosion kit. Photo action by Photoblast. Font is FG Gisela.
Journaling reads: McKenna, you do indeed make my world go round. You keep me on my toes and you turn our household upside-down with your energy and spirit. Every day you have a series of characters that you like to dress as. Every single Disney princess, a ballerina dancer, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz (as seen here). Every character has a very specific costume and hairstyle and you are very opinionated about which way it should be done. On this particular day, I thought you looked oh-so-cute with your little pigtails and I asked if I could take your picture. Did I also mention that you’re great at being TWO? You yelled out “No!” and took off running. Well I’ll be darned if I’ll miss a good photo opportunity so I chased after you. You led me on a wild goose chase, across beds, under tables, behind doors. I would not be outdone. I followed you wherever you would go and somehow, I did manage to catch this sweet shot of you when you foolishly thought you could hide in your bookcase. Ha ha! Caught ya! You’re a smart one my dear. But I’m the Mommy. And Mommy will always be on her toes!
Before They Can Be Kings

Credits: Just a cute pic of my nephew that I wanted to scrap. This was him last October at the Pumpkin Patch. Just about everything from the My Boy kit off of the His cd by Kim Christensen and Meredith Fenwick. Brush stroke by Michelle Coleman. Inked overlay by IOD. Photo action from Photoblast. Inked edge action from Atomic Cupcake. Fonts are: Carpenter, CK Chemistry, CK Paris. Words are my own.

Credits: Everything is from Angie Briggs Pink Botanical kit except for the journal paper (Something Blue Studios) and the stitching and cardboard (Gina Miller). Photo action by Photoblast. Font is FG Script Elegant.
Journaling reads: Lord, you have given me so much in this life. But nothing has filled my heart or changed my soul as much as the gift of motherhood. I can never find enough words to tell you the joy that my children have brought to me. But I know that I don’t need to have the words because you know all that is held in my heart. All I can ever hope for is that I raise them in a way that brings you honor. Please continue to lead me, to show me how to do right by these beautiful children. Show me how to love them as unconditionally as you love us. And please always know how grateful I am that you entrusted me with such a valuable gift.
You Set the Standard

Credits: Love, love LOVE this new kit by Gina Miller. It's called Get Creative and I have a feeling I'll be pulling from this kit on a regular basis. Floral stamp by Taran Conyers. Photo action by Photoblast. Inked edge action and wild tear actions by Atomic Cupcake. Font is FG Script Elegant.
Journaling reads: You are her protector. You are her provider. You are her playmate. You are the man who will set the standard for all other men in her life. She will have to search high and low to find someone that can compare to you.
Ok, so I just finished watching the season finale of Grey's Anatomy. What do you think we'll see happen at the start of next season?
ugh- i had a sickie on mothers day too- guess they wanted to make sure we know we are needed ;) hope kyla feels better :(
Awww...homemade gifts are the best, aren't they? You are one hot mommy! LOL So sweet!!
Erick's layout brought tears to my eyes! He's such an awesome, thoughtful guy!! It's a great page too! You have a multitalented hubby!
I must've missed your motherhood page! I need to go find it in the galleries!
Happy Mother's Day to one of the bet Mommies I know!
Your creative cup runneth over woman... you did ALL that and scrapped me a Madonna collage. You truly are WONDER WOMAN!
Your mommy gifts are so so cool and I especially love the artistic genius of "hot mommy."
I was going to say I hope you had a Happy mothers day but it looks like you did!!!
OH and please tell us this story of the Salt guy. Leave me hanging... for shame!!
Thanks for clearing up the Tool thing! I can't believe Erick made you a scrapbook page for Mother's Day! Wow, he's a keeper huh? :) I love all your new pages!
You have been busy! All those LO's. Wow! Don't hate me...but when I had to do a double take on the Cali Girl layout, because I first read Call Girl too. LOL! The Rock Star photo is hilarious!
Thanks for the sweetest comment on my blog for Mother's Day. I really appreciated it!
I'm watching 3 hours of taped Grey's tonight.
Holy LO's Batman!!! You rocked them out! Love them all, but especially the rocker one - the way you did the photo is awesome!
Thanks for the "Tool" explanation. For some reason I have him pictured in my mind as a Hobbit. LOL Am I close? Eagerly awaiting the washing clothes in salt story. But I have a feeling I know who that was.
OMG, once again Erick wins the Husband of the Year award! (how many times in one year can that man win that honor?) LOL That is just so sweet that he scrapped for you, knowing how much it means to you. It's a perfect, thoughtful gift. And you know it had to take time too. And giving you money for s/b shopping. Be still my heart!! LOL Let me give you my phone number so he can call Wayne. ;)
Awww I love hat big rose McKenna made. And I am cracking up at "Hot Mommy" and how you explained the way the teacher wrote it as two words. LOL Poor, confused teacher.
Erick did great with his page!!! haha @ him not wanting to discuss the fine art of scrapbooking even more now. What's that all about?!
Ok I am laughing at your butterfly tin turned tart holder because I did the same thing for my Mom. haha I used the small round tin from Target, tied a big fabric bow around it and stuffed it with tarts!
I'm still too new to Grey's to make any predictions I think, but I'd like to rent season1 and hopefully catch up!
What a superfab Mother's Day, S!!
I was totally LOLing abt your DH's comment. Tell him that unless he gets the official digi scrap tattoo, he can't be converted. *lol*
love, me <><
OHMIGOSH - I cannot believe he scrapped a page for you - now that is LOVE!!!!!!
I am cracking up at that layout of McKenna as a Rock Star! She seems like such a character from her photos...she must be such a riot in real life!
My hubby wouldn't even think of making me a layout! How sweet is he?! And you DO know he really was interested in the cardboard from Gina's kit right?
My Favorite LO would have to be the mothering. You have a way of saying what we all feel.
I told Ryan about the comment Erik made about the scrap thing and he LOL. Way cute that he would do that for you.
Poor little Mckenna, is she feeling better?
Love the "hot mommy" gift, too cute!
Can't believe your hubby scrapped a LO for you...wow, what a guy! Your LOs are all so wonderful, I only wish I could pop them out like you!
Oh my goodness Shannon!! So much eye candy with these new LO's you posted!! The picture of little Rock Star McKenna has got to be one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen!! I am so loving that LO!! I love every single page you did!! Your talent just amazes me!!
I am so happy you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Too bad McKenna got sick, poor thing! :( Erick is just the sweetest!! I can't get over what a good job he did on his first LO ever!! You have definitely got a keeper!!
I've never watched Grey's Anatomy so I'm borrowing it from a friend....I can't wait to see what all the hype is about!! :)
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