Monday, November 01, 2004


Here is McKenna's pumpkin. We put orange & green glitter on the lid, cut out different sized stars all over and outlined each one with a different color glitter. It was a pumpkin fit for a girly butterfly:

Happy Halloween from the girly butterfly!

As you can see, the effects of daylight savings time hit them right around the time we started to trick-or-treat:

But all was well when we stopped at the balloon house:

They were handing out balloons which were far more interesting to the babies then the candy:

As were the toys of the other kids in the neighborhood:

We had a great time and the kids did a good job of being extra cute so that their Mommies and Daddies could receive lots of candy. It will be a sad year when they realize that the candy is intended for them and they don't let us have anymore. I'm thinking about implimenting a 10% costume rebate fee to be paid in the form of Kit-Kats and Almond Joys.

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